Simple Gratitude & Self-Care

Beloved Sister,

I see you.

I see your struggle of the mind.
I see your worry about what's next.
I see your fear about not getting it right.
I see your desire for a more harmonious world.
I see your yearning to know yourself on a deeper level, feel assured in who you are, and live your purpose.

I see you. And I am so grateful for you.
Grateful for your heart, your determination. Your life. And for what it took to create your life.

Everything we do will either destroy life, or nurture it. There isn't really a middle ground. Even a neutral symbiosis, still technically supports the existence of what it is in symbiosis with.

Words and thoughts, action and inaction ~ will either lead to the breakdown of life or the construction of life.

When you are hard on yourself, it destroys at the cellular level.
When you take a deep inhale and long exhale, promising to be compassionate with yourself, it nurtures.
When you wish another peace, it nourishes.
When you damn those around you, or in far off places, it destroys at the collective level.
When you start to truly believe in your worthiness, it builds you.

You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. As above so below. As within so without.
As you create love, respect, and peace within, it is reflected outside of you.
What we see play out on the world stage is a mirror of the chaos and violence we feel within us about ourselves, and the judgments that cloud our mind.

Consider this: When the world makes no sense at all. When it just seems too big for one person to make any difference. When the mind is taking over....

Remember that everything you do will either lead to the creation or destruction of life. Every thought, every smile, every authentic & conscious expression of your emotions, every act of self-care.

And in that you CAN impact the world you see around you. May you be empowered by that.

This month has been hard. Hard in a way that has made me strong. Hard in a way that has allowed me to see and honor the work I’ve done. Years of personal growth and self-inquiry that has culminated in the ability to hold space for the darkest, deepest of energies, and to still Rise in Love.

As the New Moon approaches, dipping into her darkest moment on Monday November 13th at 4:27am, I'm guided to this mantra: "The divine Will of the universe empowers me with foresight and the ability to evolve." (c/o my MagicOfI day planner)

The invitation this moon is to ask yourself: What can I do for my physical body, that will help create balance, harmony, and peace for my mind, emotions, and overall well-being?

Make some tea, light a candle, and sit with your journal. See what comes forth.

May all beings be happy.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be free from suffering.

Jennifer P