Just So You Know - It's OKAY not to feel balanced ALL the time.

Last night my partner and I were clearing the air and having a deep, open conversation about ways we were feeling challenged with each other. One of the things he spoke into was that over the last several months, as we’d been settling in our new home, he had generally stayed at a steady emotional state, while I could still lose it. (Of course, no one is 100% all the time, and he definitely can still “lose his cool”, but in general I’m way more erratic and emotional). 

I was grateful for his expression, and yes, it’s very true that he’s done a super amazing job at keeping his state steady, for the most part

However, I’ve been considering this. And as I thought about it today, I remembered the hormonal charts of men and women. Men have a rise in testosterone at the beginning of the day, and it fairly steadily declines over the course of the day. Every day. Consistently. It potentially shifts slightly from season to season, but in general it stays the same. Throughout their life.

Women, though? Scroll to the bottom to see the hormonal chart for a woman…From day to day, throughout our entire month-long cycle, our hormones are shifting and fluctuating. We are constantly in a state of RE-balancing ourselves. Throw in the typical stressors and responsibilities of life and you’ve got a delicious recipe for chaos.

Now, of course, each of us are responsible for our actions, reactions, and how they may impact others when we’re not mindful or conscious about it. Just because our hormones are in flux does not give us the green light to wreak havoc and make it everyone else’s responsibility. 

But I just wanted to put it out there, that: 

  • Amongst living in a world where we offer more than 50% of the support to those around us, while being hugely UNDER supported ourselves…

  • Amongst having super powers of receptivity by way of being a Womb carrier (yes, even those without a physical uterus still possess an energetic womb space), and therefore feel EVERYONE & EVERYTHING constantly…

  • Amongst receiving less respect, less pay, and less encouragement in the workplace, even though we’re the reason ya’ll even exist in the first place…

We ALSO are in an everyday engagement with our inner world, and the flux of chemical hormones which impact our mood and brain function. Further, we go through the very real experience of seeing everything that didn’t get addressed or processed in the prior month(s) rise up to the surface to be looked at and reconciled right before we bleed (Hello PMS). If we don’t have the tools, space, or support to work through it, it can cause our moontime (bleeding time) to be painful, irregular, and wrought with PMS of all kinds.  

So, sister - go easy on yourself if you lose your sh*t every so often. You do a lot, even if you’re not consciously aware of it.

Jennifer P