How To Actually 'Receive' What You Ask For and Desire

Intention Setting is something we hear about a lot (especially around the new moon). Making lists, writing out our desires, even doing ceremonies to “put our intentions into motion”.

But what happens after you set those intentions?
What happens after you declare to the universe what you are calling in?
What happens once you’ve put in your “order”?

If you want your intention setting to truly work, then read on sister! Because the art of manifestation is not passive, and if we’re going to create a better world for the future generations, then we need to become grounded in ourselves and as equipped as possible in bringing to light our heart’s deepest yearnings.

So here is my tried and true formula for clearing out the blocks and making sure you actually receive what you’re calling in:

1. Welcome the Old Programs As They Arise

If there is something you want, but do not have; if there is something you’ve been dreaming of, but it’s not yet here; if there is something you continuously pray for, but it’s not your current reality, then there is likely a resistance of some kind keeping it from you.

Life is meant to flow with ease like water, and our natural state is health and abundance, so if you’re not receiving what you desire with ease, then there is a block somewhere. And when you get really intentional about what you want, get ready for whatever those blocks are, to rise right to the surface.

If you’re calling in a new job, then things may arise that make you question your knowledge or capabilities. If you’re calling in financial stability, then you may suddenly get dinged with a $300 parking ticket. If you are calling in self-love, then you may encounter people who make you feel bad about yourself.

I promise this is not a cruel joke. This is the universe showing you the ways that you still hold this energy in your field. As long as you hold the belief somewhere that you don’t deserve, or aren’t worthy or aren’t good enough, you will not manifest what you want.

It’s the mirror of life saying, “Look here! Dig deep and find those crevices where self-doubt lives. Clean it up.” I invite you to see these experiences as an opportunity to truly recognize the thing that has kept you from having what you want.

The Practice: Journal time! Start to go through the things you’d like to have, create, see in your life. Have you been calling them in for a while? Do they feel within reach or do they feel hard? Do you notice any thoughts that jump in and doubt what you’re trying to manifest? The idea here is to start bringing more awareness to the limiting beliefs that sabotage what you say you want. Once you write it down, then it becomes easier to notice as you move throughout your day, so stay mindful, and take notes.

Remember, the universe is always working in your favor. The universe wants you to succeed!

2. Acknowledge the Parts That Need the Patterns

When you put in your order to the universe, sometimes habits and patterns will pop up that keep you from taking the actions needed to reach your goal. If you notice old habits coming up such as addictive patterns, over eating, numbing with substance or tv - understand that there is a part of you that needs that in the moment. If you reprimand yourself for doing the thing and deny yourself, then the part that needed that thing is being denied what it needs. But it doesn’t mean just keep doing it!

It means acknowledging the part that is feeling under-nourished and wants to keep eating to fill the void; acknowledging the part that feels so uncomfortable it wants to be numbed; acknowledging the part that believes it’s unworthy and wants to self-sabotage.

What’s important to remember is that it’s not about the symptom, which is the harmful act or habit. It’s about the part of you that is hurting and needs to be held. If you make yourself wrong for doing the habit, and try to deny or stop yourself from doing it, then the part that needed the habit is still left hurting and unfulfilled, and you’re simply making it harder by creating resistance energy in your body.

The Practice: Get out your journal and write about those go-to “vices”. What are the harmful habits that pop up when you’re feeling low, not seeing what you want in your life, or even when things are going great? Feel free to let this be a running list as things pop up throughout your day. Then sit. Take long, slow, deep breaths in and out of your nose. Feel your belly expand on the inhale, and soften your whole body on the exhale. When you feel calm, think about one of your habits and notice where in your body you feel the most sensation as you ask yourself “What part of me needs this habit?”. Once you can feel where the sensation is, get really curious. Ask it questions like: “Why are you hurting? What is the root of your pain? What support do you need to heal and feel whole? Do you have any questions or messages for me?” It’s not about getting the answers to these questions, it’s about allowing the part of you that’s hurting to feel acknowledged and seen. Do this for each habit.

By acknowledging the parts of you that need these patterns, you can start to work with them at the root level and let the energy truly flow.

3. Love All the Parts!

When there’s a part of you that isn't receiving love, that part becomes imprisoned inside, and the flow of energy gets blocked. As a society, we tend to praise the “good” virtues and reject the “bad” ones. But what about the part of you that gets angry? What about the part that judges? What about the part that feels scarcity and fear that there isn’t enough? Don’t those parts deserve love too? While they don’t define you, they are a part of you and your experience, so if you’re not loving them too, you’re not loving all of yourself.

These qualities we consider “undesirable” often relate to why we’re having trouble manifesting.

An example is if you’re trying to cultivate more self-love, and want to stop judging yourself. Well, if you push away the judgment it’s only going to feel your resistance and get stronger. That means it’ll be harder to actually feel self-love. Another example is if you want to be more generous and stop worrying about money. Again, if you push away the worry it will get stronger. When you inquire into the fear, the worry, the judgement, then you can truly get into the blocks that keep you stuck.

The Practice: The key here is in the re-framing of “I want to get rid of this thing”. Instead try to inquire into why you feel this thing in the first place. Commit to looking at it, being with it, conversing with it, and accepting it. Here are some examples to get you started:

The intention: I want self-love AND I want to inquire into this thing that keeps me from it. Then ask questions like, “Why do I judge myself? What are the beliefs I hold about myself?”

The intention: I want to be more generous, AND I’m curious what my beliefs are around money. Then ask, “What am I in fear of when it comes to money? What are the beliefs I hold around money? Do I feel worthy of receiving it, or do I feel I have to give it all away?”

Know that you don’t have to “do” anything to “change” those undesirable virtues. The whole point is to love them as they are, ask questions, and get to know them.

4. Stay Focused and Committed

Keep your focus and commitment when it gets challenging. Know that you deserve love, and you deserve to thrive. One of the best ways to stay committed is to speak your intentions out loud and create accountability. By accountability I mean first and foremost to yourself. When you speak something out loud and someone witnesses you, it immediately and intrinsically creates a level of awareness and accountability within yourself. It means that when a program or old habit comes up, you will more quickly and clearly be able to witness it, pause and inquire into it. Even if you speak the intention to a passing soul, you’ll remember that you spoke it out loud!

The Practice: Know that you deserve to be supported by like-minded souls. Keep connecting and surrounding yourself with people who are on the same tip, who are willing to be honest with themselves and vulnerable about their experience. This creates trust and a sense of safety. If you don’t have this already, then I invite you to check out our sisterhood >> The Soul Sisterhood Collective >> a monthly membership for women on a spiritual journey who a ready to remember we’re not meant to do this alone.

You can also check out the fb live I made about this very topic >> RIGHT HERE

Personal GrowthJennifer P