An Open Letter to My 6 Year Old Self

New Moon Inner Child Work.

An Open Letter to my 6 year old self:


First and foremost I want you to know that you are absolutely perfect. There are no markers by which you can measure this. Society will try to convince you there are. But there aren’t. You are perfect because you hold the spark of the divine within you. It’s a part of you and nothing can ever change that. Nothing you say, nothing you do (or don’t do). Nothing. You are perfect. And so is everyone else.

Next, I want you to know that your sensitivity is your superpower. It’ll feel really overwhelming sometimes. You’re going to feel such an intensity of emotions, thoughts, sensations, and it will get confusing. Try to remember this in those moments: You’re safe and there’s nothing wrong with you. There’s nothing you need to change, and it’s ok to feel everything you’re feeling. It’s ok to feel angry, sad, all of it.

It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to have no idea why, and just wail and sob. You can pick up on things that others are feeling, and it will sometimes seem like you’re about to burst. Burst. Let it out. It's ok.

You have a very special gift inside of you, and you're going to help a lot of people. But that doesn’t mean you have to all the time. Only do things that feel good for you. You don’t have to carry anything for anyone, and you also have the wisdom to release all energies that are not yours. You’ll understand more what I mean down the road.

It’s safe to play and be silly. Somewhere along the way things will get serious and you may forget what it’s like to just have fun. It’s ok to let yourself enjoy the ride.

Lastly, and most important, please remember how loved you are. No matter what. You will meet people along the way who want to support and help you on your journey. Let them. Let them love you, and remember that you deserve this love. Love is your birthright, and you are deeply worthy of it simply for existing. You are enough, exactly as you are.


You in 32 years.

Ps - Your womb will literally tell you everything you need to know. Connect with her regularly and listen.

Personal GrowthJennifer P